Flipboard android
Flipboard android

Half of Flipboard's users only use the app for reading, according to Wei. With this new emphasis on magazine curation, Flipboard also needs to pay attention to users who don't create content.

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  • Wei said more metrics tools are coming, akin to what bloggers can do with online formats. "It'd be cool for them to continue to have more influence over the structure and narrative of their magazine." "Each person who creates a magazine is the editor of their own magazine," he said. It lets users change the order of their items, delete content and view what items from their magazines have been shared the most by other users. The new Web-based Flipboard lets curators have more control, Wei said. In-app sharing lets users share the magazine with text messages, e-mail or Pinterest.

    flipboard android

    The new Android version will also let users save an item from other apps, like YouTube, or a Web browser or their own photo galleries. It's network of 56 million users have created 1 million magazines so far.Įugene Wei, Flipboard's Head of Product says the company's user base is split evenly among iOS and Android users, so he expects Android 2.0 to have similar results to its Apple counterpart.įlipboard's magazine creation starts with people tapping the "+" button on items within Flipboard or using the app's bookmarklet to save items from the Web.

    flipboard android

    The magazine curation feature, which lets users collect articles around a specific theme or subject matter into a Flipboard magazine is now available for Android phones and tablets, and online as a Web-based editing tool that also provides metrics.įlipboard introduced the magazine curation feature for iOS in late March, gaining 6 million users since the launch. Flipboard, the popular news-reading app, is making it easier for people to add - and track - their original content to Flipboard with the latest magazine curation features for Android devices.

    Flipboard android